– Twinkle (she/her)

While our newest group of storytellers immerse themselves in TMI Project’s true storytelling workshop in preparation for performing their stories live at Black Stories Matter at Black History Month Kingston on February 15th, we’re diving into TMI Project’s Black Stories Matter archive.
Follow along all month as we share stories from the eight brave storytellers who performed last Summer. First up: Twinkle Burke.
Twinkle isn’t a teacher or a nurse, but sometimes she plays one on TV. Because in the acting world, producers and writers like to cast women of color as nurturers and teachers and nurses are the most popular.
“I realize that being Black means a lot of different things. It’s making the choice to not be a nurturing Mammy; to embrace Betye Saar’s machine-gun-toting Aunt Jemima archetype. It’s the declaration that I’ll nurture you on my time in my way IF I want.”

Want More Black Stories Matter Content?
Stories have the power to increase visibility, raise awareness, change people’s hearts and minds, and inspire people to take meaningful action. We are making every effort to ensure all of our Black Stories Matter content is easily accessible, widely consumed, and is accompanied by tools to deepen the impact.
Listen: The TMI Project Story Hour, Season Two: Black Stories Matter, launches this fall. Learn more and subscribe to our podcast HERE
Host: a Black Stories Matter viewing party and discussion from anywhere in the world. Click HERE to learn more and sign up.
Share: TMI Preoject’s mission with Black Stories Matter is to elevate the underrepresented stories of the Black experience in America – the full spectrum – the triumphs, humor, beauty, and resilience. Click HERE to submit your story to be featured on the TMI Project blog.
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