Zelda aka Judith Z. Miller takes us through her early crushes, from girls at camp to her English teacher. Shamed for her sexuality by her parents, high school psychiatrist, and college classmates, Zelda finally finds community at a progressive college where she and her girlfriend are treated with respect for the first time.

It’s 1962 in suburban New Jersey; there are no lezzies on TV, in books or movies. I’ve never met or seen a lezzie, but I know it’s a word that defines what I want as something nasty and bad, something that should not exist.
Episode Notes:
This is Episode 4, Season 4 of The TMI Project Story Hour: Pride Stories featuring Zelda aka Judith Z. Miller.
Zelda (she/they) is a multifaceted artist: performer, producer, visual artist, workshop leader and healer who lives in an erotic, musical, spiritual universe. As a feminist Jew who studies shamanism, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and the guiding force of her intuition as she explores the themes of connection to the Earth, spirituality, sexuality and gender via a variety of art forms.
This episode was written collaboratively by Eva Tenuto, Blake Pfeil, and Julie Novak, produced and edited by Eva Tenuto, mixed and mastered by Stevie Manns. It was co-produced by Radio Kingston and sponsored in part by MrJulieTees.com.
Episode Contributors:
Blake Pfeil
Julie Novak
Eva Tenuto
Zelda aka Judith Z. Miller
Storytelling Prompt:
Write a true story about a community that embraced you when it felt like nobody else would.
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