Until very recently, the Black community had little in the name of superheroes to look up to – and while Black Panther and Luke Cage have solidified their places in the hearts of millions, perhaps more powerful still are the real-life superheroes whose greatness inspires our own. In this episode, season 2 co-host Micah shares the story of his real-life superhero, his grandmother Blondena Furtick.

Maybe art imitates life, but life also imitates art…Maybe if our lives are portrayed with value, maybe we will all begin to see our lives as having value. Maybe if Black lives matter more on TV and in movies, black lives really will matter.
Episode Notes:
This is Episode 3, Season 2 of The TMI Project Story Hour: Black Stories Matter featuring TMI Project storyteller and Co-director of its Black Stories Matter program Micah. This episode was produced by Hayley Downs and mixed by Marlan Barry. It was co-produced by Radio Kingston. Special thanks to Ida Hakkila, Nate Brogan, Kale Kaposhilin, Jimmy Buff, and North Guild Productions.
In addition to leading TMI Project storytelling workshops, Micah serves as the manager at GWI’s (Good Works Institute) Greenhouse Kingston, a yoga teacher at Mudita, and creator of DAY 1 (a New Year’s Day community event). He is on the board of Wild Earth (a non-profit Wilderness School), Radio Kingston, The Center for Creative Education, and O+ (a nonprofit health and wellness festival for artists and creators). He also serves as City of Kingston’s Art Commissioner at the Kingston Farmers Market.
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Episode Contributors:
Eva Tenuto
Hayley Downs
Blake Pfeil
Sara DeRose
Edison Woods
Dara Lurie
Marlan Barry
Lauren Gill
Shantae Howell
Clarissa Marie Ligon
LL Cool J
Luke Cage
Blondena Furtick
Martin Luther King Jr.
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