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How Laganja Estranja Taught Jay Jackson to Let Her Hair Down

Pronouns: She/Her

In this special episode of The TMI Project Story Hour, Jay Jackson, known to many as RuPaul’s Drag Race superstar Laganja Estranja, reveals a more intimate side of her true self. Tune in to hear how her drag career inspired a profound shift in embracing her femininity, and how full self-acceptance helped her not only live authentically, but become a fierce advocate for the trans community. The episode culminates with a powerful speech from Celeste Lecesne, co-founder of The Trevor Project, as they lovingly present Jay with TMI Project’s Voices in Action Award, honoring her important work as an artist and activist.

…It was just like this beautiful powerful moment where I was like, okay, this is it. This is who you are. You are a feminine being and you can no longer deny yourself that joy, that pleasure, that truth, that honesty, and you can no longer deny those around you that same journey either.

Episode Contributors:

Jay Jackston (she/her), Storyteller
Eva Tenuto (she/her), Host
Blake Pfeil (he/him), Host
Celeste Lescene (he/they), Speaker

Storytelling Prompt:

Write a true story about a memory or experience from your childhood that shaped your understanding of gender identity or expression.

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