TMI Project co-founder, Eva Tenuto, launches Season Three with a story close to home. The first episode features Eva’s mother, Alice Tenuto. Tune in and discover how Alice’s story for choice impacted Eva growing up, and in many ways inspired the start of TMI Project, launching a movement of ridding ourselves of secrets and shame by sharing our true stories with the world.

At home, we pretend that my belly isn’t growing bigger. This isn’t really happening.
Episode Notes:
This episode of Season 3 of The TMI Project Story Hour: Stories For Choice was produced in partnership with Radio Kingston. It was written by Eva Tenuto and edited, produced, and mixed by Dacia Clay. Our theme song is “Secrets” by Edison Woods. Our Operations and Programs Manager is Blake Pfeil. Our Marketing and Digital Coordinator is Laura Marie Ruocco. Our Administrative Assistant is Elijah Jackson. Our graphic designer is Lauren Gill. Our workshop leaders are Perla Ayora, Seth Branditz, Kiebpoli Calnek, Hayley Downs, Jonathan Gonzalez, Raine Grayson, Erik Harris, Rae Lipkin, Dara Lurie, Julie Novak, Blake Pfeil and Eva Tenuto.
This is Episode 1, Season 3 of The TMI Project Podcast: Stories for Choice featuring Alice Tenuto. Alice is a writer, and just so happens to be “Mom” to Eva Tenuto, TMI Project’s co-founder and executive director.
Episode Contributors:
Eva Tenuto
Alice Tenuto
Storytelling Prompt:
Write a true story about a time a decision was made for you.
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